Nurse Jobs Ireland

Common Mistakes Nurses Make in Their Resumes

While all the resumes require a certain level of efficiency when writing, nursing resumes have an additional layer to work on. Nurses have to consider many professional and general resume tips. Although you might have a qualified education in nursing along with an experienced background, you will not be able to succeed unless you are first able to sell yourself.

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The 12 Days of Nurse Job Hunting!

With a 10 days to go until Christmas and if starting the New Year with a New Nurse Job is what you are after then take these twelve days of Nurse Job Career Goals steps to help you get prepared for your New Year New Nursing Career path. So what is the first step when looking for jobs in nursing? Day 1:

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Healthy Ways Nurses Can Relax

We all know that nurses have a highly stressful job. Being a nurse is comes with great responsibility. But, just like anyone else – even nurses have to take care of themselves. It is the rational thing to do – in the end, they take care of people every day – so they should consider taking care of themselves! This

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How Has Social Media Influenced the Healthcare Industry?

Social media and other interactive online applications are dynamic and constantly evolving dimensions in modern society. These applications often cross public and private domains, inextricably linking both professional and personal lives. “The aspect of healthcare can be a very personal and private issue for some people causing severe contrast with the increasingly public world of digital and social media”.  This

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Is Midwifery for You?

Many people assume that midwifery is all about the birth of a child, but while this is obviously the most exciting part, the role of the midwife is much more extensive. It starts after the pregnancy has been confirmed and continues until around 10 days after the birth, sometimes longer. Midwife nurses have a supporting and caring role, not just

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Nurses, I salute You and Me Too!!

As I age gracefully and embrace my older self I realise that my career as a nurse has given me so much to be thankful for. I trained in Waterford Regional Hospital [Ardkeen as it was known then1977-1980] and I have a few very good friends from those years. We don’t see each other too often, but no matter how

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